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Wyoming Wow: The Powder Horn

Powder Horn in Sheridan, Wyoming wows with the Big Horn Mountains in the background
Powder Horn in Sheridan, Wyoming wows with the Big Horn Mountains in the background

Wide-open spaces punctuated by the occasional stand of wind turbines and rock formations define much of the nearly six-hour drive from Denver to Sheridan, Wyoming. Antelopes prance across the vastness north of Cheyenne. Cattle graze and pumpjacks nod all the way through Casper and Buffalo.

But as you exit the interstate towards the verdant Goose Creek Valley, the scenery changes. Wales of irrigated farmland roll into fields alive with horses, Herefords and Holsteins.

And in the near distance, the peaks of the Big Horn Mountains carve the skyline, creating a vista not unlike that of Boulder and the Flatirons from the scenic overlook on U.S. 36.

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