Should You Hover or Ground Your Driver?

Examining the benefits and differences between grounding your club or hovering it behind the golf ball

Should You Hover or Ground Your Driver?

You're standing on the tee, driver in hand, ready to grip it and rip it.

You place the ball on the tee, eye the fairway, and address the ball.

If you're like many amateur golfers, perhaps dozens of swing thoughts are running through your head.

You place the head of your driver gently on the ground behind the ball.


Should you do that? Or should you hover your club behind the ball. Does it matter?

Teaching Professional Lee Scarbrow helps you answer this question with the video below. His tips include how to promote and ensure:

  • A smooth takeaway at the start of the swing
  • Not being too tight or too tense
  • How to avoid snatching or jerking the club away after addressing the ball

We previously explained how to hit your driver farther and noted that the average male 14-handicap swings his driver the same MPH as the average LPGA Tour player but hits it 22 yards shorter. This can take that stat one more step and show how to smoothen out your swing path for maximum efficiency.

In fact, Jack Nicklaus did a combination of both of these approaches. He would often rest the clubhead on the ground lightly before hovering it and starting his swing. We figure if it's good enough for the Golden Bear, it's probably good enough for you.


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